Clementine Halberstadt Ceramiste 02Clementine Halberstadt Ceramiste 02
©Clementine Halberstadt Ceramiste 02|Estelle Cohier


In love with the land

Originally from Caen, Clémentine Halberstadt moved to Granville 4 years ago. Nature is what attracts her, and she likes it wild and silent.

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Originally from Caen, Clémentine Halberstadt moved to Granville 4 years ago. Nature is what attracts her, she likes it wild and silent. When she was very young, she loved to get her hands dirty when she was working with clay.

“I ve always had the fantasy of thecraftsman, alone in his workshop, working in peace and freedom, in his own world.”

His source of inspiration is nature, but also, and above all, childhood memories of his grandmother.

“My grandmother had little checkered mugs and a Breton bowl that I loved.”

Clémentine is very nostalgic for that period of her childhood when she spent a lot of time at her grandmother’s house. The rituals of eating with her popular crockery left a lasting impression on her.

Take your time

Cultivating slowness

As a ceramist, she loves working with her hands, and seeing an object appear at her fingertips gives her incomparable satisfaction. Theunexpected is omnipresent. She likes to combine blue and ochres, which remind her of earth andwater coming together. For over four years, she has been working with restaurateurs to supply them with the tableware they need for their dishes. Clémentine admits she would be proud to dress the gourmet tables of the Destination. She is currently working on incorporating darker rustic earth tones, such as russet or ochre. When she’s not in her studio, she likes to go to the Vallée du Lude or to the secret corners of Havre de la Vanlée to find herself in the heart of nature and silence.

Her motto: “cultivate slowness.”

Indeed, she doesn’t like to be rushed. She likes to take her time, and always has. She likes to be confronted with a slow practice, and ceramics is ideal for this.

“I like objects to take a long time to make, to dry, to fire, to make themselves desired.”

Clémentine’s creations come from her Atelier-poterie, 103 rue des Juifs in Granville.

And to admire all this from the comfort of your own home, Clémentine posts her beautiful ceramic photos on Instagram @clementine.halberstadt


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