Gaël, 42, from Saint-Pair-sur-Mer, first set foot on a windsurf at the age of 12.
My first board was a gift from my mom,” he says, “I’d say she’s the one who gave me the bug. “
With his baccalaureate in hand, Gaël set off on a 6-month trip to Japan, Morocco, China and Cape Verde. On his return, he enrolled in a training course to discover the sailing professions. He then went on to gain a series of certifications and qualifications: BPJEPS monovalent voile, unité complémentaire char à voile et canoë-Kayak, a DEJEPS, spécialité performance sportive mention voile, and a Brevet d’aptitude à la conduite des navires à voile (merchant navy). Gaël beganteaching sailing at the age of 22. He worked for UCPA in Aber Wrac’h, Espace voile Bréhal, ANH in Hauteville-sur-Mer and 8 Milles Nautic (currently) as manager of the Bréville-sur-Mer nautical base. During these 20 years ofteaching nautical activities, Gaël will host the Paris Boat Show for 9 years, and launch his company “Manche Wing Foil” in 2020 and 2021.