Julie HurricaneJulie Hurricane
©Julie Hurricane|Marie-Claude VERGNE
JulieA woman of character, assertive and never far from the waves


Interview with a Destination Ambassador

Julie fell in love with Destination Granville Terre et Mer in 2009, while strolling through the Upper Town of Granville.


A native of Saint-Lô and living in Granville, Julie fell in love with Destination Granville Terre et Mer in 2009 while strolling through the upper town. It was obvious to her that she’d found the place where she’d put down her suitcases. First, she worked at the Le Roc aquarium before joining the Comité Régional des pêches in 2019 as an administrative secretary. She became a volunteer on the Marité in 2016.

My favorite spot is the beach at Hacqueville, which has remained wild and where you can spot barnacle geese. my favorite season is spring because everything wakes up, the shades of green, the vegetation explodes. Sunrise is her favorite moment, especially when it’s accompanied by a sea mist.

“The Marité is my landmark, and I love taking care of it. I arrived in Granville at the same time as he did. It’s no coincidence,” admits Julie.


Geese can be seen on the beach at Hacqueville in autumn.

Become an Ambassador

For Julie, becoming an ambassador means introducing the destination to those who don’t already know it, and above all sharing photos of little-known places in the region.

If you take a stroll along the fishing harbor, you have a chance of bumping into Julie who will be out taking pictures of trawlers, the Marité or just hanging out.

Find her on Instagram


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