Le Bouquet De ChauseyLe Bouquet De Chausey
©Le Bouquet De Chausey|Estelle COHIER
The Chausey bouquetPeanuts from paradise

The Chausey bouquet

The bouquet of Chausey is appreciated for its flesh endowed with proteins, minerals and trace elements. With its good finely iodized taste, it is a frequent guest at appetizer time on the archipelago of Chausey, where it generously replaces peanuts.

Where and when

can you fish for the Chausey bouquet?

The bouquet de Chausey loves sandy areas, granite rocks and seaweed. That’s why, when the sea goes down, it gets trapped in the small pools of the archipelago. It spends its day either hidden under the seaweed or basking in the sun.

The bouquet fishing on Chausey is regulated and open from August 1 to February 28. This short opening period allows the species to reproduce quietly and thus endure. The legal size is 5 cm.

How to fish for bouquet in Chausey?

The bouquet is fished during high tides. Fishing begins two hours before low tide.

For amateur fishermen, it’s necessary to equip yourself with a haveneau. Composed of a semi-circular net, the haveneau allows you to scrape granite rocks and optimize catches. Fishing for bouquet can sometimes require waist-deep water.

How is it fished by professional Chausey fishermen?

The fishermen on Chausey fish for bouquet using 70 cm long traps with 8 mm square mesh. They raise them at each tide like lobster traps.

How to prepare them?

  • Boil very very salted water in a saucepan.
  • At boiling point, throw in the bouquet.
  • Let cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Drain in a colander
  • Let cool well, without running them through cold water.

Tasting suggestion: shell them and eat them simply with bread and salted butter.


all the flavours of home
