Charles-Marie by Esprit Grand LargeTake to the sea on board the CHARLES MARIE, a traditional sail boat Spend a day, a weekend or more with our professional team, exploring the Chausey archipelago and Channel...Read moreBisquine La GranvillaiseSailing excursions aboard the “Granvillaise,” an historic Granville boat; full day (Chausey or Cancale) or 1/2 day around Granville bay and the Pointe du Roc Accessible to...Read more
The fishing port of Granville©The fishing port of Granville|Philippe FauvelThe fishing port of GranvilleAfter centuries of wild oyster and cod fishing, the fishing port of Granville continues to live dynamically to the rhythm of the tides. Fishing boats unload thousands of tons...The Abbey of La Lucerne d'Outremer and its pond in the foreground©The Abbey of La Lucerne d'Outremer and its pond in the foreground|Estelle CohierLa Lucerne AbbeyBuilt in the second half of the 12th century, the Abbey was restored in the 15th and 17th centuries. In a shady, picturesque setting, the Romanesque buildings are sober and...View of Tombelaine and Mont Saint-Michel from the Champeaux and Carolles cliffs©View of Tombelaine and Mont Saint-Michel from the Champeaux and Carolles cliffs|Estelle CohierThe great outdoorsSites to discover, admire… And to preserve! Toute La Mer Sur Un Plateau Le Festival Des Coquillages Et Des Crustaces Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 14338 4©Toute La Mer Sur Un Plateau Le Festival Des Coquillages Et Des Crustaces Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 14338 4|Estelle CohierAll the Sea on a Plateau, Shellfish FestivalThe 21st edition of Granville’s great celebration of seafood gastronomy!