CP - Destination Granville Terre et Mer... A longing for summer - August 2024856KBDP - Sweetness, flavor, happiness... Granville Terre & Mer in the colors of Indian summer - 202411MBCP - Destination Granville Terre & Mer: Our tips for a sustainable holiday - June 20241MBCP - Sustainable tourism: Granville Terre & Mer wins award - June 6, 20241MB" data-equalize-by-row="" >">CP - June 8, The Game Terre et Mer #4 "l'alliance des loups" opens at Château de Chanteloup - June 20241MB" data-equalize-by-row="" >">CP - Granville Terre & Mer, la belle vie hors "congés battus" - May 17, 20241MBCP - Granville Terre et Mer Tourist Office reinvents itself: a new reception area for the 2024 season - April 16, 2024235KBCP - Granville Terre et Mer residents in the eyes of Horizons - March 26, 2024378KBCP - Mécénat de compétences 2024 - Preservation of the foreshore: the Avril association and the Office de Tourisme Granville Terre et Mer join forces to raise awareness - March 15, 2024126KBDP - In April, follow the rhythm of the tides at Destination Granville Terre et Mer - 20243MB" data-equalize-by-row="" >">CP - New for 2024: "Saveurs et Créateurs" in Destination Granville Terre et Mer - February 21, 2024505KBDP - Granville Terre et Mer, a re-creative destination - 20244MBCP - 3es rencontres de l'Office de Tourisme pour co-construire la nouvelle stratégie touristique Granville Terre et Mer - November 30, 2023191KBCP - Green Destinations, the gold level for Granville Terre et Mer - October 10, 2023456KBCP - Event, La Ferme en Folie, eco-citizen and intergenerational festival during the All Saints' vacation - September 2023410KBCP - The Game Terre et Mer, L'affaire Carollaise event - September 30 and October 1, 2023240KBCP - Gourde friendly, one of the actions for a sustainable Destination - June 2023264KBDP - Destination Gastronomy - March 20233MBDP - Destination Granville Terre et Mer generic - 202223MB
October 2023 Gold Award Green Destinations 1©October 2023 Gold Award Green Destinations 1|Office de Tourisme Granville Terre et MerCP – Green DestinationsGranville Terre et Mer, 2nd French destination to achieve gold level! Passed through the filter of over 100 socio-economic, environmental and cultural criteria, Granville Terre...Home shooting 2023©Home shooting 2023|Audrey PeignéPress RoomHere you’ll find key information about Destination Granville Terre et Mer, as well as the latest news and press releases. The press department is at your disposal to...Fishing On Foot During High Tides©Fishing On Foot During High Tides|Marie-Claude VergneDP – Gastronomy of Destination Granville Terre et MerSummary of the press kit: The star products of the Granville Terre et Mer plate Preservation, a challenge for the great trimmings of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay Unusual experiences...Home shooting M6 2023©Home shooting M6 2023|Audrey PeignéPress conferences and film shootsAll year round, the Destination Granville Terre et Mer press office welcomes film shoots, organizes tailor-made programs for journalists, organizes press trips in partnership...Vallee Du Lude Alexandre Lamoureux©Vallee Du Lude Alexandre Lamoureux|alexandre lamoureuxA desire to prolong summerContents: In sports mode Culture and heritage Nature mode In “chill” mode Agenda Espace Pros Service Eco Gtm©Espace Pros Service Eco GtmKey facts and figures