Since February 1, 2022, a new classification standard for meublés de tourisme has been in force.
The aim of this new standard is notably to modernize classified accommodation, but also to enhance actions in favor of sustainable development and digitalization.
This new reform applies:
- to meublés de tourisme that have never been classified,
- to meublés de tourisme whose classification is up for renewal as of February 1, 2022.
This reform does not apply:
- to meublés de tourisme that have been classified before February 1, 2022 (these retain the validity of their classification, i.e. 5 years from the date it was awarded, classified using the old reference system).

Hebergement Groupes Credit Otgtm Marie Claude Vergne 36665 1920px 1
Click here to read the Arrêté du 24 novembre 2021 modifiant l’arrêté du 2 août 2010 fixant les normes et la procédure de classement des meublés de tourisme.
Find out all about le classement de meublé de tourisme by clicking on this link.