Submersible road at Bricqueville-sur-Mer during high tideLa Route Submersible A Bricqueville Sur Mer Lors D'Une Grande Maree Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 35019 1920px
©Submersible road at Bricqueville-sur-Mer during high tide|Estelle Cohier
Tide timesFollow the rhythm of the tides

Tide times

When to swim? When to fish? When to sail? Check out the tide times and coefficients on Destination Granville Terre et Mer!

Low tide at Granville Terre et Mer

When the sea is low and the foreshore seems so vast, you’ll enjoy this immensity that’s offered to you. Just the time for a walk, barefoot, you’re in osmosis with this preserved landscape made up of sand and rocks.

Practise fishing on foot, especially during Grandes Marées, and treat yourself to your own plate of seafood. When you fish your own shellfish, they look immediately tastier!

Then, on the beaches of Saint-Martin-de-Bréhal and Jullouville, the sand thus cleared offers excellent sailboat tracks!!

High tide at Granville Terre et Mer

The high tide, it’s the seaside moment par excellence, the one that leaves beautiful holiday memories between beach games and water games.

It’s also the time when you can tuck in the sails and try your hand at the many water sports possible on the coasts of Destination Granville Terre et Mer.

Set the pace

