
The 13'Animé in Saint-Pair-sur-MerCANCELLED
Cancellation of the fireworks display on Saturday July 13, 2024 in Saint-Pair-sur-Mer
The traditional fireworks display on the eve of Bastille Day has been cancelled this year. This decision results from the exceptional mobilization of national Police forces for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, making it impossible to guarantee the necessary security conditions for our event (no national police officers will be present for this event).
July 14th in GranvilleShooting off from the West pier of the Port of Granville, the traditional July 14th fireworks display is one of the must-see events of the summer! From the Haute Ville or the fishing port, at 11pm you can admire the pyrotechnic display reflecting its beautiful colors into the sea…
La Lucerne d'Outremer
Lucerne comes alive July 20 and 21This weekend’s fête communale will feature entertainment, sharing and conviviality in the town of La Lucerne d’Outremer, with a fireworks display at 11pm.
Fête de la merRendezvous at the Bricqueville-sur-Mer cove to admire the fireworks from 11pm.
Jullouv'illuminéFireworks will be set off from the Casino de Jullouville beach at 11pm. Emotions and wonder guaranteed on the Promenade François-Guimbaud.
Donville celebrates!An evening craft market, a popular dance and fireworks from the Donville-les-Bains beach at 10:30-10:45 pm will delight locals and visitors alike.
La guinguette éphémère in Granville, 2nd editionTo celebrate the end of the season, the guinguette éphémère takes place again this year from 6 p.m., in Place Maréchal Foch, with Live Music, a market of creative craftsmen, Food and Drinks and will close with a fireworks display. Event organized by Stelsia Casino.
Popular balls
July 14th balls
Jullouville and GranvilleCome and dance the night away at Jullouville ‘s popular ball on July 14th, on the Place du Casino, from 9.30 pm to midnight. The Granville fire department will be setting the dancefloor alight at their traditional 4th edition of the ball on Saturday July 13, from 7.30pm to 4am, with a concert, DJ and on-site catering. Online sales: €8 admission + ecocup: online ticketing. Minors unaccompanied by legal guardians prohibited. In aid of UDSP 50 and Œuvre des Pupilles Orphelins et Fonds d’Entraide des Sapeurs-Pompiers.

Every Friday in summer
in JullouvilleFridays July 19 and 26, and August 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2024 in Julllouville.
A little spin on the dance floor, every Friday in summer, from 9.30pm to midnight on the Place du Casino.