Marin Guillou 05 PortraitMarin Guillou 05 Portrait
©Marin Guillou 05 Portrait|Estelle Cohier
MarinYoung image hunter for 5 years


A 17-year-old native of Granvilliers, Marin Guillou has been passionate about photography for five years. He has always lived in Saint-Pair-sur-Mer.

To meet


“I was one of the last babies to be born at the Granville maternity hospital,” he confides with a certain pride and a big smile.

He is passionate about images in all their forms. After graduating from high school, he’s going to study 3D animation at a film school. Indeed, one of his ambitions is to become a professional 3D animator. Since the age of 12, he has been traveling the countryside, especially in the evenings, to capture unique moments in unique places. His favorite spot is the beach at Saint-Pair-sur-Mer, where the seawater pool and diving board are his favorite playgrounds.

“I love sunsets, where the light for me is the most interesting,” he explains.

Confidence for


“I was lucky enough one day to see the famous green ray! “



Being an ambassador means sharing my photos to promote our beautiful region and inspire people to come and see these landscapes for themselves.

If you visit the beach at Saint-Pair-sur-Mer at the end of the day, you may be lucky enough to spot Marin taking photos. Marin is exhibiting his photos at the Chapelle Sainte-Anne in Saint-Pair-sur-Mer, from April 20 to 26, 2024, every day from 2pm to 5:30pm.

I consider myself lucky to live in such a beautiful region.


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