Street art in Destination Granville Terre et MerStreet art in Destination Granville Terre et Mer
©Street art in Destination Granville Terre et Mer|Estelle Cohier
#CreativityA destination that shines

Arts and Lights

Like the many artists and creators who have visited Granville Terre et Mer in the past and today, let yourself be inspired by the landscapes, colors and emotions that can be admired, experienced and felt here.

A precious destination

By nature

Sebastien Provost Lea Guillotte 02Sebastien Provost Lea Guillotte 02
©Sebastien Provost Lea Guillotte 02|Léa Guillotte
Mark, finger and eye fishing during high tidesMark, finger and eye fishing during high tides
©Mark, finger and eye fishing during high tides|Pauline Vidinic
Crossing the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel on foot with a certified guideCrossing the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel on foot with a certified guide
©Crossing the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel on foot with a certified guide|Cécile Ballon
Franck Labo 02Franck Labo 02
©Franck Labo 02|Franck Letousey
Anne Fanny Coupard AmbassadorAnne Fanny Coupard Ambassador
©Anne Fanny Coupard Ambassador|Anne-Fanny COUPARD
View of Tombelaine and Mont Saint-Michel from the Champeaux and Carolles cliffsView of Tombelaine and Mont Saint-Michel from the Champeaux and Carolles cliffs
©View of Tombelaine and Mont Saint-Michel from the Champeaux and Carolles cliffs|Estelle Cohier
The Chausey archipelago from the airThe Chausey archipelago from the air
©The Chausey archipelago from the air|Marie-Claude Vergne
Toute La Mer Sur Un Plateau Le Festival Des Coquillages Et Des Crustaces Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 14338 4Toute La Mer Sur Un Plateau Le Festival Des Coquillages Et Des Crustaces Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 14338 4
©Toute La Mer Sur Un Plateau Le Festival Des Coquillages Et Des Crustaces Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 14338 4|Estelle Cohier
La Debarque Dans L'Avant Port De Peche Credit Otgtm Marie Claude Vergne 36058 1920pxLa Debarque Dans L'Avant Port De Peche Credit Otgtm Marie Claude Vergne 36058 1920px
©La Debarque Dans L'Avant Port De Peche Credit Otgtm Marie Claude Vergne 36058 1920px|Marie-Claude Vergne
Leo Adrien Parapente 01Leo Adrien Parapente 01
©Leo Adrien Parapente 01|Amandine Launay
La Debarque Dans L Avant Port De Peche Credit Otgtm Cecile Ballon 36701 1920pxLa Debarque Dans L Avant Port De Peche Credit Otgtm Cecile Ballon 36701 1920px
©La Debarque Dans L Avant Port De Peche Credit Otgtm Cecile Ballon 36701 1920px|Cécile Ballon
©bty|Estelle Cohier