Following the latest municipal and inter-communal elections, like other structures made up of elected representatives, the Office de Tourisme Granville Terre et Mer has set up its new Management Committee, which also includes representatives of socio-professionals.

The Board was elected as follows:

  • Annaïg Le Jossic, President, member of the college of community elected representatives
  • Michel Peyre, Vice-Chairman, member from the college of elected community representatives
  • Olivier Bena , Vice-Chairman, member from the college of socio-professionals
  • Gaëlle Fagnen, member from the college of elected community representatives
  • Hugo Baileul, member from the college of socio-professionals
  • Cathérine Hersent, member from the college of elected community representatives
  • Sylvain Cléreaux, member from the college of socio-professionals
2 questions to…

Annaïg Le Jossic, our new President, with a scientific university background, has been elected in Saint-Pair-sur-Mer since 2014 and Mayor since May 2020:

Why did you feel the need to take on tourism responsibilities, first at the Communauté de Communes, then via the Presidency of the Office de Tourisme Intercommunal?
“My family origins are rooted in a very touristy area, and when I became an elected member of Granville Terre et Mer, it was a natural choice. Tourism is a real issue for the territory, in human, social, environmental and economic terms.”

What are the main policy lines you would like to see for the Tourist Office during your term of office?
“I’d like the current team to strengthen its actions on these objectives:

  • high-quality reception, with the recognized added value of human know-how to complement adapted digital resources,
  • promotional development, with originality and creativity, but also ambition, strength, and sharing
  • greater support for professionals by cooperating and inventing,
  • spreading the quality tourism offer throughout the territory and all year round, at the very least in the middle seasons. “