La PromenadeHipa Hipa Granville 01©Hipa Hipa Granville 01|Hipa Hipa GranvilleHipa HipaGranvilleRestaurant serving Pokés Bowls and Sushis, Chirashis … (Home-cooked food on request, fresh produce daily).Le CabestanSème RestaurantDame Gourmande Granville 04©Dame Gourmande Granville 04|Estelle CohierDame gourmandeGranvilleAu Petit Accent Argentin
Franck Labo 02©Franck Labo 02|Franck LetouseyFranck LetouseyConvinced by the importance of “eating well”, food autonomy and environmental preservation, Franck decided to open his farm ” Les chèvres du Clos aux...Toute La Mer Sur Un Plateau Le Festival Des Coquillages Et Des Crustaces Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 14338 4©Toute La Mer Sur Un Plateau Le Festival Des Coquillages Et Des Crustaces Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 14338 4|Estelle CohierAll the Sea on a Plateau, Shellfish FestivalThe 21st edition of Granville’s great celebration of seafood gastronomy! Ok ©Ok Romain and FlorianeA meeting around cheese! Les Coquilles Saint Jacques Credit Otgtm Philippe Fauvel 19551 1920px©Les Coquilles Saint Jacques Credit Otgtm Philippe Fauvel 19551 1920px|Philippe FauvelThe scallopThe flagship product of the Normandy coast, the scallop has the merit of being appreciated by the greatest number of people! Appreciated for its fine-tasting flesh punctuated...Les Etrilles©Les Etrilles|Julie HurricaneThe currycombThe etrille is a crustacean prized by seafood lovers. With a taste close to that of lobster, this little crab sets the taste buds of even the most fine gourmets abuzz. 2016 Hd Oysters Philippe Fauvel 05©2016 Hd Oysters Philippe Fauvel 05|Philippe FauvelThe Normandy oysterBulots de la Baie de Granville©Bulots de la Baie de Granville|Philippe FauvelThe whelkThe whelk has only been caught and consumed on a large scale for a few decades. Yet it has acquired a certain notoriety thanks to the expertise of local fishermen and...2019 12 Atelier Vin M.allix Experience E 99©2019 12 Atelier Vin M.allix Experience E 99|Estelle COHIERLearn to taste wine with products made in Granville Terre et MerIn the heart of Granville, you’ll meet Didier to learn the basics of wine tasting and the best ways to pair wine with local produce – 100% Granville Terre et Mer! Granville market©Granville market|Cécile BallonThe marketsThe smells, tastes and people you meet at our markets are guaranteed to immerse you in the heart of the region. Markets are an essential part of your vacation at Destination...C'est toi le fermier at Ferme de la Chèvre Rit as part of the Festi'Récré festival©C'est toi le fermier at Ferme de la Chèvre Rit as part of the Festi'Récré festival|Estelle CohierFarm MadnessGranville Terre & Mer Tourist Office offers a wide range of workshops, courses, visits and other activities around farms and local produce for children aged 1 to 15. This...Seafood platter©Seafood platter|Cécile BallonWhere to enjoy a seafood platter?For centuries, Granville Terre et Mer has lived to the rhythm of the sea. Today, as France’s leading shellfish port, Granville boasts 200 sailors and 51 fishing boats....Mark, finger and eye fishing during high tides©Mark, finger and eye fishing during high tides|Pauline VidinicLearn to fish responsiblyThe scene of Europe’s highest tides, the foreshore is home to shellfish that you can enjoy as an aperitif: cockles, clams, oysters, mussels and other shellfish. But to...