La PromenadeHipa Hipa Granville 01©Hipa Hipa Granville 01|Hipa Hipa GranvilleHipa HipaGranvilleRestaurant serving Pokés Bowls and Sushis, Chirashis … (Home-cooked food on request, fresh produce daily).Le CabestanSème RestaurantDame Gourmande Granville 04©Dame Gourmande Granville 04|Estelle CohierDame gourmandeGranvilleAu Petit Accent Argentin
Les Praires Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 36096 1920px©Les Praires|Estelle COHIERMeadowsEverything you need to know about fishing and tasting sand prairie at Destination Granville Terre et Mer. Kayak A Chausey Thib Sprod Lumieresmarinesprod Thib Sprod Lumieresmarinesprod 14932 1600px©Kayak A Chausey Thib Sprod Lumieresmarinesprod Thib Sprod Lumieresmarinesprod 14932 1600px|Thib’s Prod – Lumières Marines ProdLive my life as a fisherman in ChauseyAlban and Ian will show you the sea trades in the Chausey archipelago, an exceptional setting for living to the rhythm of the tides. Les Moules De Bouchots Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier©Les Moules De Bouchots Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier|Estelle CohierBouchot musselsFranck Labo 02©Franck Labo 02|Franck LetouseyFranck LetouseyConvinced by the importance of “eating well”, food autonomy and environmental preservation, Franck decided to open his farm ” Les chèvres du Clos aux...Le Bouquet De Chausey©Le Bouquet De Chausey|Estelle COHIERThe Chausey bouquetThe bouquet of Chausey is appreciated for its flesh endowed with proteins, minerals and trace elements. With its good finely iodized taste, it is a frequent guest at appetizer...Brasserie Ecume Des Falaises Biere Pression 02©Brasserie Ecume Des Falaises Biere Pression 02|Maïwenn PolesCraft beersDiscover the best places to drink local beer… But that’s not all! After a day’s hiking on the Champeaux cliffs, a trip to the Havre de La Vanlée, a...Granville market©Granville market|Cécile BallonThe marketsThe smells, tastes and people you meet at our markets are guaranteed to immerse you in the heart of the region. Markets are an essential part of your vacation at Destination...Seafood platter©Seafood platter|Cécile BallonWhere to enjoy a seafood platter?For centuries, Granville Terre et Mer has lived to the rhythm of the sea. Today, as France’s leading shellfish port, Granville boasts 200 sailors and 51 fishing boats....2019 12 Atelier Vin M.allix Experience E 99©2019 12 Atelier Vin M.allix Experience E 99|Estelle COHIERLearn to taste wine with products made in Granville Terre et MerIn the heart of Granville, you’ll meet Didier to learn the basics of wine tasting and the best ways to pair wine with local produce – 100% Granville Terre et Mer! The foamers©The foamers|Estelle COHIERLa moussetteThe moussette is in season! When we mention moussette, you may be expecting to enjoy a small craft beer from a local brewery. Whereas that’s the name of the juvenile...Apiculture Les Ruches De Jacky Lebon Credit Otgtm Jacky Lebon 36914 1920px©Apiculture Les Ruches De Jacky Lebon Credit Otgtm Jacky Lebon 36914 1920px|Jacky LebonBudding beekeeper in CarollesIn Jacky’s apiaries, you’ll enter the world of bees and discover the secrets behind the production of“Bon Miel de la Baie“. Un Aperitif Granville Terre Et Mer Credit Otgtm Philippe Fauvel 44 1920px 9©Un Aperitif Granville Terre Et Mer Credit Otgtm Philippe Fauvel 44 1920px 9|PHILIPPE FAUVELPut local produce on your New Year’s Eve table!Looking for ideas for your New Year’ s Eve meal? Then read on! On this page you’ll find a list of delicious local products to enjoy all year round, and perhaps even...