Aerial view of Granville's Upper Town©Aerial view of Granville's Upper Town|Philippe FauvelThe Upper Town of GranvilleThe ramparts of Granville’s Haute Ville are some 450 metres long and 100 metres wide. Walking around them is the first thing to do when discovering Granville....Read moreThe Abbey of La Lucerne d'Outremer and its pond in the foreground©The Abbey of La Lucerne d'Outremer and its pond in the foreground|Estelle CohierLa Lucerne AbbeyBuilt in the second half of the 12th century, the Abbey was restored in the 15th and 17th centuries. In a shady, picturesque setting, the Romanesque buildings are sober and...Read moreDeparture for Newfoundland, leaving the port of Granville, photograph by Lucien Rudaux, circa 1910©Departure for Newfoundland, leaving the port of Granville, photograph by Lucien Rudaux, circa 1910|Lucien RudauxGreat fishingThe fishing port of Granville was one of the first French ports to embark on the great adventure of cod fishing around the island of Newfoundland, off the Gulf of St. Lawrence....Read moreThe fishing port of Granville©The fishing port of Granville|Philippe FauvelThe fishing port of GranvilleAfter centuries of wild oyster and cod fishing, the fishing port of Granville continues to live dynamically to the rhythm of the tides. Fishing boats unload thousands of tons...Read moreVilla Balneaire De Jullouville Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 36943 1920px©Villa Balneaire De Jullouville Credit Otgtm Estelle Cohier 36943 1920px|Estelle CohierSeaside villasWith the advent of seaside bathing in the 19th century – a trend that originated in England and quickly spread to the Normandy coast – the architectural landscape...Read moreChateau Chanteloup©Chateau Chanteloup|Château de ChanteloupChanteloup CastleThis family castle, whose origins date back to the 11th century, is revealed before your very eyes. Marvel at its mysterious medieval keep. Fall in love with its Renaissance...Read moreArrivee Allies Granville Normandie©Arrivee Allies Granville Normandie|Médiathèque de GranvilleGranville and the Second World WarOn May 7, 1940, Hitler launched his campaign in France. The Wehrmacht quickly overtook the Allied troops, who were powerless against the enemy’s technologically advanced...Read morePeach©Peach|OTGTMDiscover the fisheriesWhat is a fishery? It’s not a tool you’ll come across on a regular basis, and few anglers will take advantage of these rustic facilities, preferring hand tools for...Read more2017 Charles Marie Copyright Esprit Grand Large©2017 Charles Marie Copyright Esprit Grand Large|Esprit Grand LargeThe old riggingsOnce used as fishing boats for local and distant fishermen, Granville’s old rigs now offer participatory sea outings at the mercy of the winds and tides, in the Bay of...Read more
Gael Gautier 02©Gael Gautier 02|Estelle CohierGaël GautierRead moreThe Vauban hut at Carolles seen from the sky at sunset©The Vauban hut at Carolles seen from the sky at sunset|Philippe FauvelLes Cabanes VaubanRead moreAtelier 104 Isabelle Duval 02©Atelier 104 Isabelle Duval 02|Dominic FarrellIsabelle DuvalRead moreClementine Halberstadt Julien Hay Photographer©Clementine Halberstadt Julien Hay Photographer|Julien Hay PhotographeClémentine HalberstadtRead more2017 Charles Marie Copyright Esprit Grand Large©2017 Charles Marie Copyright Esprit Grand Large|Esprit Grand LargeThe old riggingsRead morePeach©Peach|OTGTMDiscover the fisheriesRead moreCrossing the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel on foot with a certified guide©Crossing the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel on foot with a certified guide|Cécile BallonCross the Bay of Mont-Saint-MichelRead moreMark, finger and eye fishing during high tides©Mark, finger and eye fishing during high tides|Pauline VidinicLearn to fish responsiblyRead moreMarc Dupart 01©Marc Dupart 01|Marc DupartMarc DupardRead moreLisa Et Fred Zostere Credit Photo Frederik Chevallier©Lisa Et Fred Zostere Credit Photo Frederik Chevallier|Frédérik ChevallierLisa and FrédérikRead moreLa Lucerne Abbey, 12th-century architecture in a green setting©La Lucerne Abbey, 12th-century architecture in a green setting|Thomas JouanneauMusic festivalRead moreThe Abbey of La Lucerne d'Outremer and its pond in the foreground©The Abbey of La Lucerne d'Outremer and its pond in the foreground|Estelle CohierLa Lucerne AbbeyRead more